math and a half

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Warm Fuzzies All Around

Mama Christy found this on The Delaney Diaries, who got it from The Pajama Mama and thought it sounded like a great idea:

“Bloggin’ Good Blogger Days
Your mission, shall you choose to accept it (and you will), is to go to as many blogs as you can and point out at least one good thing about the author of that blog. Do your best to give them a warm fuzzy feeling. Show your appreciation, admiration or plain old joy.

Tell them why something they did touched you, why a choice they made shows the true fabric of their moral being. Just go BE NICE to every blogger who’s blog you read today. And don’t be shy, either!!

Plus, post an entry similar to this one on YOUR blog and ask people to leave warm fuzzies in your comments. Spread the love, people!

Maybe if we take a week to engage in warm fuzzies, they will become a more permanent part of our daily lives, both on and off the computer.

In review:

1. Leave me a warm fuzzy in my comments.

2. Post a similar entry (or copy and paste this one, giving credit) on your own blog.

3. Leave a warm fuzzy on every blog you visit today.

4. Sit back, read your own warm fuzzies and feel, well, warm and fuzzy!


This sounds like a great idea to me. Let's get all warm and fuzzy on each other!


  • I started reading you because you know Stolie. I keep reading you because you are cool.

    Cool and fuzzy. I think that works in August. :)

    By Blogger MamaChristy, at 8/02/2006 6:16 PM  

  • Ok, you rock for so many reasons!

    1. You are a teacher and teachers have our future in their hands every day.

    2. Your name is Peg and I have a GREAT friend named Peg.

    3. You live in the windy city and I USED to live in the windy city (even now I'm there frequently!)

    4. You passed on warm fuzzies!

    See, you rock!

    By Blogger CJ, at 8/02/2006 11:02 PM  

  • I read your blog because: you're my friend and you live in a different city -- it's a great way to keep abreast of what's going on in your world during the time in between our phone calls and visits. (But, you better CALL me if you get pregnant. I better not read about that on your blog.)

    Something warm and fuzzy about you? ... You're my only Republican friend. I think it's great that you provide a different perspective and a different way of looking at things even though I don't always agree with you.

    Also, not to mention, I think you're sexy because you're a fellow numbers geek! ;)

    Numbers rock, but Pegs rocks more!!!

    By Blogger Twanna A. Hines |, at 8/03/2006 8:31 AM  

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