math and a half

Monday, April 03, 2006


What's the most rude you've ever been?

What's the most rude act you've ever witnessed?

I take a class (well, sometimes more than one) at the University of Chicago. Tonight, as has become customary, several of my classmates came to the class tardy. Several left early, some right in the middle of the lecture. Some brought young (school-age) children, who sat down and did their homework. Cell phones rang repeatedly. Some students found "other work" to do during the lecture. Then, there's the old standby: talking while the teacher is talking.

Admittedly, this may bother me more than it would most people because I teach to a somewhat disinterested audience of seventh graders daily. Truly, though, do these classmates of mine get their manners out of Cracker Jack box?

A poll was released recently about cell phone manners. Lots of folks recognize rude behavior but don't admit that they sometimes exhibit it. If you feel like confessing some bad manners yourself, please use the comments section to proclaim to the world your shortcomings. Then you can go forth without guilt to try to do better next time. Consider it the online version of Catholic confession.

Whoa, was that blasphemy? I didn't mean anyone any harm.


  • Are we talking particularly about cell-phone manners here? I was showing a friend around an Abbey once and my phone vibrated (it was on silent). I answered it because it was an overseas call, another friend of mine calling to share the news that he had been accepted into MIT. Needless to say I was overjoyed and proceeded to talk to him, completely forgetting where I was. Until someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me I shouldn't carry on a conversation in the Abbey.

    People who talk on the phone in the cinema annoy me. Usually someone beats me to it in yelling "Oi shut up already".

    By Blogger Darwin, at 4/04/2006 10:11 AM  

  • Way back when my husband and I saw Spider Man 2 in movies and a couple had a *small* child with them. I'm talking, maybe 2 years old. Old enough to be frightened and not old enough to understand what was happening wasn't real. Kid screamed for TEN MINUTES before they finally took him out. I was irritated and felt sorry for the poor, terrified child...

    By Blogger MamaChristy, at 4/04/2006 12:26 PM  

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